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Completion of Levels 1 and 2 is required before enrolling in Level 3.  

Take this opportunity to tap into your innate joy.  Strengthen your connection with your inner wisdom.  Expand your awareness and access the unlimited parts of yourself.  Improve your presence and experience more peace, love and joy in life.

Third level deepens the practice further.  Continuing to integrate the limiting aspects of your subconscious mind, you can experience a profound sense of connection to your higher self and be inspired by a higher vision or purpose.  You will manifest more joy, and live your life in alignment with your own authentic self.

If you are interested in becoming a certified facilitator in this powerful modality, completing Levels 1,2 and 3 in Transformational Breath® is a prerequisite.

Essentials Course Level 3 content:

  • Third level of Transformational Breath®
  • Advanced Breaths
  • Unconditional Love Clearing Process
  • Five to six sessions of Transformational Breath®
  • Meditation
  • Breath Dance
  • Rites of Balance
  • 40 Day Prosperity Plan
  • Sound exercises
  • Exercises, games, and sharing


A historical site located in the heart of Geneva’s old town, the Inner Peace Centre welcomes you in a charming, serene and warm atmosphere, a perfect place to unwind and regenerate.


The seminar will be presented in English.  Translation into other languages is possible on request.


Alev Gürzumar is a Certified Senior Trainer of Transformational Breath®. She gives private and group sessions and leads training and workshops. Her mission is to inspire and empower others on their journey of self-realization, with the guidance and wisdom of their own breath. Inspiring and supporting others on this profoundly deep and intimate journey of love and self-healing fascinates her and fills her with gratitude.

Together with a team of facilitators all trained by the Transformational Breath® Foundation she will create an environment of unconditional acceptance and you will be fully and warm-heartedly supported.

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